05 August 2011

Enough Is Enough!

How long have you let others make you hang your head downwards?
Have you ever felt like everyone in the world seem to be all beautiful? Have you ever felt such inferiority just because the people you love keep comparing you with others who are much better than you are? Ever felt like looking better just to impress them? You might not but sadly, I have and I'm really tired of it.

Somehow, I seem to be surrounded with people who are much better looking than I am. That's why whenever I'm around them, I tend to be the ugly duckling among the crowd. Whether it's among my family or my relatives or whoever, I'm just that.....the ugly duckling. I know I'm experiencing inferior complex but how can I not feel that when the people I've always look for support from are the ones who critic me? I'm always trying my best to look the best and hoping I'd get compliments from that someone but NO! There's always something I'm not perfect at. And there goes, they'll start looking at someone better.

Do you realize how much demotivation I have to endure mentally? Do you know how much it hurts when all they can say is this and that is not good? For god's sake! At least give some positive comments will you?! After all the hard work, that's all you can say! I'm really tired and depressed over such situations. All my life, I've been trying to impress people...been competing. Even in my family but now, maybe it's time to change that perspective. I should really start ignoring their thoughts about me. How I look or appear to them shouldn't bother me...in fact, it should never have bothered me! I know I'm just as good as others. And the person I should have been impressing all my life should have been myself. From now on, what I do to look good is all going to be for myself. I'm doing it not for anyone else but ME!

Beauty is for you to own, not others!

To those out there who have been feeling the same as I had, it's time to change! If others criticize your appearance, who cares?! You know you're much better than what they have said! You know they'll regret what they've said because you're going to prove them wrong! Who cares if they give all these negativity about you! You're going to take it and work on it! And one day, when you look back at them, they're going to be speechless and all you're going to say to them is,
'Thank you for your advices back then, my friend'.


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